Top 100 Mother's Day gift ideas 2019

Forth list in Top 100 Mother's Day gift ideas:-


I had A MOTHER who read to me

Sagas of pirates who scoured the sea,
Cutlasses clenched in their yellow teeth,

"Blackbirds" stowed in the hold beneath
I had a Mother who read me lays

Of ancient and gallant and golden days;
Stories of Marmion and Ivanhoe,

Which every boy has a right to know.
I had a Mother who read me tales

Of Gelert the hound of the hills of Wales,
True to his trust till his tragic death,

Faithfulness blent with his final breath.
I had a Mother who read me the things

That wholesome life to the boy heart brings-
Stories that stir with an upward touch,

Oh, that each mother of boys were such!
You may have tangible wealth untold;

Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be-

I had a Mother who read to me.

A Candle Votive
Mom, you light up my life everyday,
and I want to remind you in a special way,
just how much you mean to me.

When the candle is lit,
and there are bright colors to see
let it remind you of all of
the love you give to me.

Every mouse
and bumblebee,
Every bird
up in a tree,
Every caterpillar
and ladybug,
Loves to feel
his mother's hug.

Every bear
so fat and funny,
Loves his mother
more than honey.
Just as woodland
creatures do...
I love my mother
That is true!


When we did a Mother's Day placemat last year it featured this poemand the kid's paintings of a flower gardern. Then were very pretty
so we laminated them.

A mother's love is special,
It cannot help but show...
Like flowers in a garden,
Her love makes children grow!

Mother's Day Gift

These little hands will never grow,
These little hands will stay, just so,
When I'm grown and far away,
These little hands with you will stay.


The kids loved painting the flower pots, cutting out their recipe tulips, pushing the Styrofoam into the pot and then adding the green fork. When they weaved the tulip through the fork prongs, many of them
"Look, it's a flower ! "
We then added the Spanish Moss with tacky glue.
Friday they will decorate white lunch bags and wrap up the present for mom. I've attached a few pictures of the craft from my afternoon
preK class.


Mother's Stew

1 full quart love
1 heaping cup laughter
Cream together and add 1 lb. patience,
1 Tbsp. tolerance, dash of courage, and a sprinkling of praise.
Add Alternately with a gallon of understanding.
Stir well and simmer for several prayer filled hours
or until done to taste.

Popsicle sticks

My kiddos are making a recipe card holder thing. It involve gluing sticks
across two others to make a 'raft' and then building up stacks (5) of sticks
on three sides of the raft. We glued 4-5 across the top of the stacks to make
an open ended box. We glued two sticks in a triangle shape on the back to
create a hanger. Next week we are decorating them with artificial flowers and
maybe some foam sticker hearts. At one of my centers last week they put
finger prints on 10 index cards and we are going to add black lines ala Ed
Emberly to create critters. This is turning out WAY cute and cost me $1.00 for 2
pkgs of index cards as I had all of the other materials on hand from other
projects. I plan to have them trace their hand and fold it into an 'I Love
You' sign language sign to glue to a paper lunch bag to hold the gift.
A teaching partner and I were chatting about Mother's day gifts and came up
with a very neat corsage project. One of our hot lunches come packed in a
plastic container like flower corsages some in so we raided the lunch room and
have a nice collection for projects. My kids enjoyed doing coffee
flowers for a pumpkin project earlier in the year so I thought about having them
make something similar for Moms. Then I found the popsicle stick project and
the flower thing fell by the wayside. My teaching partner however took the
corsage idea and made it her own. Her students used water color markers to
color on a coffee filter paper and then dipped it quickly in water so the
colors all ran together. After they were dried she used green florist tape to
twist them and create a stem. They added a hat pin and put them in the clear
plastic containers with green tissue paper. They are wonderful!
Mother's Day and Mothers & Babies
Simple Activities
Tear or cut pictures of mothers and babies together from parenting magazines
Texture collage- include different things like a drawing of self, a family
picture and hand/footprints
Make egg carton bouquets with egg cartons and plastic flowers
Visit the zoo to see baby animals recently born
Visit a pet shop to see baby animals
Have children bring pictures of themselves as babies to talk about at circle time
Make a list to display in the classroom (like a mural) asking children to
tell you how moms show love to their children
put baby toys in the home living area
French Toast Breakfast for Mom
Put one egg and one tablespoon milk in bowl. Beat with a fork. Take one slice
of bread and dip on both sides. Measure one tablespoon butter and melt in
pan. Brown bread on both sides. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, serve
with butter and syrup.

Note Holder GiftFind a rock with a flat side. Glue a clothespin to the
letting dry overnight. Decorate the clothespin and rock with small
shells or
At night I see the twinkling stars
And a great big smiling moon
My mommy tucks me into bed
and sings a good night tune
Spring Babies
Babies are born in the spring
Tiny Robins are learning to sing
Tadpoles and polliwogs wriggle
Spotted hyena pups giggle
Tiger cubs show off their stripes
Puppies try out their first "yipes"
The lambs and the foals test their legs
Yellow chicks peck out of their eggs
Kittens meow for warm milk
The calves' baby hair feels like silk
The young hippopotamus yawns
The does lick their newborn fawns
The ducklings are learning to quack
and little snake eggs start to crack
Hush Little Baby
Hush little baby don't say a word, mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird
If that mocking bird won't sing, mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring
If that diamond ring turns brass, mama's gonna buy you a looking glass
If that looking glass gets broke, mama's gonna buy you a billy goat
If that billy goat gets bony, mama's gonna buy you a shetland pony
If that pony runs away, Mama's going to buy you another some day
Poem for Handprints Use this poem with handprints made with paint or plaster
of paris as a gift for mom
These little hands can give a hug
Pat-a-cake or throw a ball
They put smudges on the wall
Because I'm only just so tall
They love to clap or hold your hand
Whenever you can play
But when I'm grown and far away

These little hands with you will stay
Funny Mother's Day Survey Make copies of the survey questions below.
Ask each
child these questions about his/her mother and write down the answers
give... mount on construction paper and give to Moms. They'll get quite
a laugh!
What is your Mother's name?
How old is she?
How tall is she?
How much does she weigh?
What color is her hair?
What does she do around the house?
What is her favorite thing to eat?
What is her favorite TV show?
What does she cook?
Where does she like to go?
What is her favorite hobby?
My mother is special to me and I love her so much because...
Mother's Day Pencil Holder Cut off an empty half gallon milk carton
about 2
inches from the bottom. Glue construction paper to the sides and
decorate it
with paper cutouts. Cut off the top rim of a plastic berry basket. Turn
basket upsidedown and put it into the milk carton. Place pencils and
pens in the

Everything Mother's Day:

Junior Chefs Cook For Mother's Day:

Mother's Day:

A Mother's Song:
Gifts To Give:

Mother's Day

Mother's Day Chocolates at Virtual Chocolate:

Free Stuff For Mother's Day:

Mother's Day Cards & Graphics:

Mother's Day Game:

Recipes and Crafts For Mother's Day:

Handprint Dishcloth:

I Love My Mom:

Kindergarten Island Fever Mother's Day:

Mother's Day Butterfly and Poem:

Mother's Day Crafts:

Mother's Day Gift:

As Good As Gold:

Mom's Day Colorings:

Mom's Day Gifts:

Mom's Day Mazes:

M-O-T-H-E-R Poem:

Mother's Day Goodies:

Mother's Day Awards:

Mother's Day Cards:

Mother's Day Coupons:

Mother's Day Match Game:

Mother's Day Quotations:

This isn't just an empty pot.
There's something you should know.
Inside the pot there is a seed
That, just like me, will grow.
The plant that grows will someday bloom
And remind you of the seed so small.
But without your love and tender care,
The seed wouldn't grow at all.

Thanks for helping me grow!
Happy Mother's Day!

volunteer idea

One of our teachers just showed us what she is doing for her volunteers. She took individual pictures of each student, probable digital since
she is a computer whiz, and then made copies of each set for each of her volunteers. Next she used the ellison die for the daisy flower with
the center cut out. She put each child's picture in the middle part, then used floral tape to tape to a floral stick. She rizzoed a leaf pattern where the students thanked the volunteers for however they had helped the child or room. (writing activity) She added the leaf with the floral tape and then made each set into a bunch of flowers with tissue paper. The card said Thanks A Bunch for your Help. It looked really cute and the volunteers were delighted!

Mother's Day Tea

I have done a Mother's Day Tea for several years now and it is one of my favorite events! And the mothers LOVE it!

I serve a simple light luncheon such as chicken salad sandwiches on small party bread, fruit & cheese tray, chocolate covered strawberries (that we make in easy and the children really
do it by themselves!), and sugar cookies. I serve raspberry/lemon flavored iced tea instead of hot tea not only for the safety reasons but since we are in the is much more refreshing than hot tea.

Here's how the event goes:

I ask all the mothers to wait in the hallway. Then I introduce them one by one as their child comes to the doorway, takes their hand, and leads them to their chair. After they are seated, the child gives them a hug/kiss and a flower which they can put in a vase we have decorated for them. It is on the table along with placemats we've made. Next the children stand in front of the moms and sing a
couple of songs. Songs like "You are my sunshine" or "I love you a bushel and a peck". I also have the children recite the M-O-T-H-E-R poem for the moms. By the end of it, everyone is in happy tears! Next, the children go to sit with their moms and I read a poem or a short story about mothers. Then we eat. I talk to the children beforehand about the importance of this day for their mothers and we
discuss manners. It is adorable to watch as the children let their moms go first in line and then offer their help. Quite a nice change for the mom to be waited on! I also type up a program of the event. It makes a nice keepsake or something for the moms to put in their scrapbooks. I usually include the words to the poems/songs so they'll have that.