Top 100 Mother's Day gift Ideas 2019

Eleventh list of Top 100 Mother's Day gift Ideas 2019:-


My little hands play pat-a-cake
they peek-a-boo and wave...
they catch me when I learn to walk
and splash me when I bathe.
My little hands reach up to you
for hugs before I sleep...
and fold together when I pray
the Lord my soul to keep.
My little hands are tiny now
but yours will serve to guide me..
And when I'm grown I'll still reach out
and know your beside me!


Whatever our hands touch---
We leave fingerprints!
On walls, on furniture,
On doorknobs, dishes, books,
As we touch we leave our identity.

Oh please wherever I go today,
Help me leave heartprints!
Heartprints of compassion
Of understanding and love.
Heartprints of kindness
and genuine concern.

May my heart touch a lonely neighbor
Or a runaway daughter,
Or an anxious mother,
Or, perhaps, a dear friend!

I shall go out today
To leave heartprints,
And if somone should say
"I felt your touch,"
May that one sense be...YOUR LOVE
Touching through ME…


These little hands will never grow,
These little hands will stay, just so,
When I'm grown and far away,
These little hands with you will stay.

Print the poem and center it on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of plain copier paper. To each side of the poem paint the child's hands and make handprints. Just below the poem place a picture of the child that was taken in the classroom.
If the child can write he or she can sign their name
and date the paper. I not, then do it for them. Then use the colored construction paper for a background, and place the white sheet on top in a matching color. Then laminate it, roll it up, and tie with a ribbon for each child to present to mother.


Cut a flower stem and leaves from the colored construction paper. Glue them onto another sheet of paper. Cut out a heart and glue on top of the stem and paint child's hand with tempera paint and put the print on top of the heart. Attach the following poem:

A piece of me I give to you.

I painted this flower to say "I Love You".
The heart is you.
The hand is me.
To show we are friends
The best there can be.
I hope you will save it
And look back someday
At the flower we shared,
On your special day.

Place two Hershey's kisses back to back in a "bowl" part of a spoon.
Cover with netting and tie a small ribbon on. To the ribbon bow attach
the following poem:


A spoonful of love
And a couple of wishes
That you enjoy you
Mother's Day Kisses!

more mother's day ideas

Wax hand and foot prints. Make impressions of their hands and feet in playdough that you've placed in a container (like an empty wipe box.)  Then melt candles or paraffin and pour it into the impression. Let it cool, trim the edges, etch the child's name and the year into the flat side and there you have it

Take paper and cut it into rectangles, then on as many as you want, write things like:
"You get a free hug on this day"
"I will make my bed on this day____"
"Good for one free hug"
"Good for one Room Clean Up"
"Good for breakfast in bed (with help from Dad)"
"Good for one Kiss"

Have the child draw a little picture of each "coupon" and color with markers. Then when you are finished, staple together and you have a sweet little coupon book for mother.

Mother's Day Card

I'm sure that I got this idea from the Kinder Corner website last year. Students complete the following survey on their knowledge of their own mother:
I Know My Mother Well
by ____________
My mother is ____ years old.
My mother is _____ feet tall
My mother weights _______ pounds.
Her shoe size is ________.
Her job is ________.
She is happy when _____________________.
She is sad when ____________________.
Her favorite food is ____________________.
The color my mother likes best is ___________.
Her favorite TV show is ____________________.
mother likes to ____________________.
Her best friend is ________________________.
I'd like to buy my mother _____________________.
I love you, mother, because

We filled out a rough and final draft of the answers and glued it inside a card with a drawing of the student with their mother on the left and the survey on the right. On the back of the card I provided a translation for non-english speaking mothers. This project touched many of the mothers of my students last year. Well worth the effort and fun to see my students (mis)perceptions of their mothers.

A Plant for My mother
This gift is just for you, mother.

It's a little plant, you see.
It's growing more and more each day,
It's really just like me!

So, I'm giving you this plant mother,
With a note that's oh so true.
And when you watch this flower grow,
You'll remember, "I love you."

for mother's day you could make a candle holder paint the cds with acrylic paint and place a tea candle in the middle.


Cut out pictures from old mother's day cards or magazines. Make sure they're pictures of thing you think your mother would like.

Glue the pictures onto heavy construction paper leaving room in between to draw your own pictures or add in little sayings for special poems for mother.

Write your name and the date at the bottom and mother will have a wonderful keepsake to remember this Mother's Day.

Cover the placemat with clear contact paper.

Thumb-body Loves You

Take construction paper and make a card, then have child put their thumb prints on the front of the card. Make picture out of the thumb prints into flowers and bees,
by using the thumb print as the center of the flower and the body of the bees. You can add clouds in the sky and a tree or use your imagination Then write on the inside thumb-body loves you.


I have done a great pin for mother's day. You get 100 weight watercolor paper and the kids tear a shape (in a size appropriate for a pin.

They then watercolor it. Let it dry, and paint with clear shellac. Once that is dry, hot glue the pin on the back. They come out really pretty and all look

The paper is so thick that when it is torn it has layers, if  thatmakes sense. I always do this one, fast, easy and somethings mothers couldreally pin on a coat, blazer or sweatshirt!

Mother's Day Survey:

What is your Mother's name?

How old is she?

How tall is she?

How much does she weigh?

What color is her hair?

What does she do around the house?

What is her favorite thing to eat?

What is her favorite TV show?

What does she cook?

Where does she like to go?

What is her favorite hobby?

My mother is special to me and I love her so much because...

Judy Santos

Bath Salts

To regular epsom salts, add perfume and food coloring. Put in baby food jars and cover lid with scraps of fabric cut with pinking shears. You can glue a ribbon around the edge to decorate it also.

My son (when he was in Kindergarten) also gave me a teacup paper pattern cut out with a tea bag inserted in between two copies of the teacup pattern. Here's the poem: A cup of tea to say thank you for all the things you've done, and wishes that the day will bring you happiness and fun.

Here is a spiced tea recipe that I found online. It could be put in a bag or baby food jar decorated for a mother's day gift. The kids could help mix up the recipe and then enough for one or two servings could be put in the container.

Spiced Tea

1 1/2 cup instant tea (decaf or regular)
1 cup sugar
2 cups Tang (instant orange drink powder)
1/2 cup sweetened lemonade power (Country Time or Koolaide)
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Combine all of the above ingredients into a container with a lid. Close lid tightly and shake to mix ingredients. Keep stored in a tightly closed container as it will clump with humidity.

Fill your mug with hot water and add about 3 heaping spoonfuls of the spiced tea mix. Stir and enjoy.

Sara K.

We have made very inexpensive, but very cute photo frames with my students by using popsicle sticks or tongue depressors hot-glued together to form a square (end-to-end). Then I bought a jigsaw puzzle with a scenic landscape design (I found great ones at my local dollar store). They usually have something with pink, blue or yellow flowers - makes for colorful pieces. The children used regular white glue to glue these one the popsicle stick frame. We did about two-three layers to cover the sticks and create a 3-D layered look. I took a picture of my students in front of a flowered bush at our school (I did it with a digital camera, but 35mm would be fine too). Then I had them copy this poem on a piece of cardstock for the backing -

"I know I may puzzling sometimes, but I love you to pieces! Love,

If your children are too young to write this all out, you could type it on the computer. Then I glued the picture in the frame and the backing on the picture (both with hot glue) and put a magnetic strip on the back of that.

My parents loved it and it didn't cost me a fortune.


Here is what I use with my 4 years in my class.

I mix a small batch of Plaster of paris and make it a little on the thin side. (You have to judge it as you use it.) I pour it into small paper plates that are a little deeper and look like bowls and have a coating on them. Once in the plate, I have the children place their hand in the middle and and hold
it in the plaster for a few min. Then the child takes our their hand and it leaves a handprint. Let it dry for one day and then have the child paint the area outside of the hand print red. The shape will pop out of the plate very easy but leave it in for taking home easier. Then I have the students decorate a 50 cent plastic frame around the Mother’s day poem (see below). This will stand next to the plate on a table or dresser. It is a lovely idea for mother.


Sometimes you get discouraged because I am so small
And always leave my fingerprints on the furniture and walls…
But everyday I am growing up; and soon I’ll be so tall
That all those little hand prints will be so hard to recall…
So here is a special hand print just so that you can say..
“This is how my fingers looked when I placed them here today!”


Cindy McManus

This is a gift that any mother will cherish forever! I save glass salad-type dressing jars throughout the year for this project. (Since a lot of dressings are now coming in plastic bottles, I just watch for other cool-shaped glass bottles to use, too. Cut different colors of 1x1 squares of non-bleeding bright-colored tissue paper. Hot pinks, yellows, and bright turquoises looked sharp. Start at the bottom of the jar and have the kids brush on a small section at a time of thinned-down white glue. Then they add the squares and "paint" over each one with more glue to be sure all the edges are down good. Continue all the way to the neck of the bottle. Then for about 2 or 3 days in a row, have them add just a layer of glue all over the bottle to make it smooth and shiney---like the old Mod Podge. To make it waterproof, I give it a final spray with a preserver I got at Michaels.

Then of course, we make cards and on the day they take the bottles home we go buy a real carnation and greenery for the vase. Be sure to add the child's name and date to the bottom. This has been a Mother's Day gift that I repeat in 5 year cycles--in my 24 years of doing family child care and it's always a hit!

Kathy Manderfield

Kathy's Kids FCC Home - Woodridge, IL